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St Thomas
Contact Fr Simon on : Tel : 07977 488586
email :
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Who's Who and Safeguarding in our Parish
Associate Clergy
Fr. Simon Lloyd
Telephone : 07977 488586
Heather Bickford
Telephone : 07522 095980
Sue Langridge
Telephone : 07745 181502
The Parish Safeguarding Officer
Liz Smart
Telephone : 07709 544423
Who co-ordinates work in church related to children, young people, adults at risk?
Fr. Simon Lloyd
Telephone : 07977 488586
Who are the other youth and children’s/adults at risk’ workers?
Fr. Simon Lloyd
Telephone : 07977 488586
Rev’d Judith Balkwell
Telephone : 01706 223652
Who will you talk to if you observe or are told about Safeguarding concerns?
Parish Safeguarding Officers : Liz Smart
Telephone : 07709 544423
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser :
Catherine Smith
Telephone : 07711485170,
email :
She also has an assistant Sophie Booth on
Telephone : 07468971759
email :