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Weekly Services

Every Sunday we have a service at 9.15am, the Parish Eucharist. There are hymns, Bible readings, prayers, a sermon or talk, and Holy Communion. Those with children can find activity bags in our children's corner, as well as some quiet toys and books. This service lasts for about an hour. It is usually followed by refreshments in our Church Hall.

On the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month there's a service at 3.30pm. On the 1st Sunday this is a said service of Holy Communion and on the 3rd Sunday it is said Evening Prayer. Both of these services come from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. These services last 20-30 minutes.

On the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month there's a said service of Holy Communion at 8am. This service lasts half an hour.

Service Days and Times

1st Sunday 
9.15 am - Sung Eucharist.
3.30 pm - Holy Communion (BCP)

2nd Sunday
8.00 am Said Eucharist 
9.15 am Sung Eucharist

3rd Sunday
9.15 am - Sung Eucharist.
3.30 pm - Holy Communion (BCP)

4th Sunday
8.00 am Said Eucharist 
9.15 am Sung Eucharist

When there are 5 Sundays in a month we share worship with St James, Haslingden at 10.00 am. You can find out where our services are by checking our Facebook page, the weekly bulletin or what's on this month on the home page.

Every Thursday
10.00 am - Said Eucharist

We share refreshments after each Sunday 9.15 am service.

Other services for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Easter and festivals are held at various times.      Keep up to date with all on Facebook, the weekly bulletin and A church near you.

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